The superstition goes hand to hand with gambling. Many cultures like the Ancient Chinese or Native Americans theme their casinos specifically with ‘lucky’ and ‘spiritual elements. While this superstition may seem harmless, people tend to believe all sorts of other ridiculous stuff because of it.
Casino Streamers Are Fake
If you’re playing on an online casino chances are you’ve dipped your toes in the live streaming community. There are dozens of people recording themselves daily gambling money away. This can only be explained by fake money, right? Well wrong or at least in most cases.
Twitch casino streamers are able to gamble every day thanks to endorsement deals. Online casinos are literally paying them to gamble and promote their brand. This is no different from any other kind of endorsement deal. For example Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson getting sponsored by Under Armour®. He was going to wear sports gear anyway. Might as well sign with an exclusive brand.
Gamblers on Twitch are no different. They were going to gamble and signing with an exclusive site only makes sense in the iGaming business.
Slot Machines Are Rigged
Slot machines are one of the most accused casino games in the industry. And the reason for this is probably because they are rigged the most by the gaming standard. Just not in a way you’re thinking. Slot machines have pre-programmed RTP (return-to-player) rates that stay the same no matter who plays it or how.
The reason most people think the game is rigged because the house edge is extremely high compared to other casino games, which only makes sense due to its high potential payout. The average slot house edge is around 5% and sometimes well above that number. This is massive compared to something like blackjack that has a 0.5% edge if played to maximum potential.
Freeze Your Game If You’re Winning Too Much
It is very common for normal brick and mortar casinos to refuse players and ban them from playing. For example, the UFC president Dana White was kicked out after winning millions of dollars at
However, tampering with the flow of gameplay is illegal and while the casino has the right to refuse you as a customer it’s very uncommon to happen to an average person in a casino. Moreover, the casino has no control over the game as they’re made by individual companies. This would make any kind of freezing impossible and crashes most likely happen on the client-side due to poor internet connection.
Online Casinos Won’t Let You Withdraw If You Win
Unless you’re playing on a black market casino that doesn’t have a valid license, this is pretty much impossible. Legitimate casinos have thousands of customers who play on their sites and a single fraudulent or illegal act would result in them losing their licensing, which they paid a lot for.
Online casinos make money in the long term and their odds guarantee them to make money in the long run. The business has to pay anywhere from $40,000 to $60,000 plus hefty annual fees for regulation.
The average player withdrawals don’t exceed a few hundred bucks and the casino won’t put themselves in jeopardy for that kind of money.